Sunday, October 19, 2008

Update from the Rock

Well, things have been pretty crazy lately. Starting my RL job and such. I am still in SL a bit. Every Monday you can find me at Club Satisfaction from 8 am SLT to 10 am SLT DJing my heart out like I do best.

Elsea and I no longer have our sim as we could not afford it financially so we did have to give it up, but we are happy that when we come in world, we can use the time to be with our friends. Too bad we are homeless now lol.

About a year ago when I was booking performers for ASD Studios, I met a man that became a very good friend of mine. Niko Donburi is his SL name and he is known as the "Wierd Al" of SL. He is a great performer and a great friend of mine both in SL and RL. He interviewed me this evening for his blog. It was a short interview, but you can find it at along with some more info on him.

Until next time
