Sunday, March 7, 2010

News from the Rock

Well I havent been on here in a long time so I thought I would update everyone that might still be following this blog (if anyone still).

Elseamae and I are doing wonderful in RL still after almost 2 years of living together. On May 1, 2010, we are getting married RL and we are very excited!

I hop back into SL on occasion but its not for very long. Its strange how a person can go from being there for 18-20 hours a day to just around 20 minutes a month.

Anyways if anyone wants to shoot me an email, you can contact me at

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Update from the Rock

Well, things have been pretty crazy lately. Starting my RL job and such. I am still in SL a bit. Every Monday you can find me at Club Satisfaction from 8 am SLT to 10 am SLT DJing my heart out like I do best.

Elsea and I no longer have our sim as we could not afford it financially so we did have to give it up, but we are happy that when we come in world, we can use the time to be with our friends. Too bad we are homeless now lol.

About a year ago when I was booking performers for ASD Studios, I met a man that became a very good friend of mine. Niko Donburi is his SL name and he is known as the "Wierd Al" of SL. He is a great performer and a great friend of mine both in SL and RL. He interviewed me this evening for his blog. It was a short interview, but you can find it at along with some more info on him.

Until next time


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Funny how much can change in a week.

Isn't that the truth. Well, those that know me know that for the past year I have been working a General Manager of Alicia Stella Design in SL. Well, last Friday, that came to an end. I wont go into details, but I will say it was not a happy ending and I lost a very close friend.

I guess it is hard doing business with people that you are friends with because when that business relationship ends, feelings get hurt. I guess I learned my lesson once again to never really think that things are great in SL business because you never know what the other party is planning.

Anyways, I have been using my extra time I have not to find a good job RL. I have had many leads and followed through with them all. Wish me luck on that.

Meanwhile, in SL, I decided to go back to DJing here and there in the mornings of weekdays when I am on. I don't have a location yet where I will be DJing at, but as soon as I do, I will post it here.

I also have a huge announcement that I will post about here within a week. Be watching.

Be safe,


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SLCC 2008

For those that were unable to attend SLCC 2008 in Tampa, Florida, it was a blast!! The company I work for, Alicia Stella Design, was one of the convention sponsors as well as a sponsor for Strokers Ball.

While I was there, I had the pleasure of meeting many people that I either knew in world, or knew of due to having products made by them, or through working with them via the SL Mentor program. I am going to do a quick shout out to them (in no particular order) here so bear with me:

Alicia Stella - First and foremost, this woman is incredible. This was the first time her and I had ever met face to face even though we have been working together for over a year now. We spent most of the convention together meeting people and having fun. Then of course we jammed out to "That thing you do" soundtrack on the way to the airport. lol

Bryte Jewell - Bryte and I met at SLCC 2007 in Chicago and became instant friends there. Although we did not get much time to hang out, it was great seeing her again.

Sarah Nerd (and hubby) - Another friend of mine I met at SLCC 2007. It was so great to see you two again and I am looking forward to 2009!!

Randall Rall - We met for business and it was very great to finally meet you and be working with Cardbiller.

Funka Dagger - It was great meeting you and I look forward to working with you in the future!

Stroker Serpentine - Now this guy knows how to throw a party! It was great seeing you again and looking forward to next year!

Aargle Zymurgy - The mastermind of Zyngo and many other great games. I have DJed for him many times in world and it was great to finally meet you in person!

And to the many Lindens that were there - Mia, Spike, Pathfinder, CG, Robin, Phoenix, Teagan, Colton, Red, and all the others I didnt get to meet. Thank you all for being there to mingle with the residents even if you cant in world.

Overall, the convention was much better than 2007 and I am already planning on going in 2009 wherever it might be so I hope to see everyone there.

Until next time



Many people have told me that I really need to do a blog, so here it is. :P Welcome to the mind of Rocky Merosi. Rocky is an avatar in Second Life. If you dont know what Second Life is, you can get information at I will try to post here as often as time allows.

I have been in Second Life since August 19, 2006 as Rocky. My first avatar was named Sammy Steinhardt, but I deleted him because I started off completely wrong in SL. I came to SL because a friend of mine from a text based game told me it was a rip off, so naturaly I had to check it out. When I got here, I was very amazed at how technical it was and I was hooked.

During my first week in SL, I found myself at a strip club and that is where I met Yuri. Yuri had started very shortly before me and we instantly became friends. To this day, he remains my best friend/brother in SL and RL.

Yuri and I played around at that club and eventually became volunteer security there. We did that for a couple weeks and got to be good friends with some of the dancers there. A few of them decided to break off and do a club of their own. I was actually invited to be a part of that as one of the co-owners and hence, Ivory Manor was born.

I was involved with Ivory Manor for a short time until I deleted Sammy and created Rocky. As a newbie, Rocky continued to be a part of the club industry in SL by holding various management and dancer training positions in many clubs. I had spent over 10 years prior to SL playing on a text based game, so I got good at describing which was great for dancer and escort emoting.

After a couple months of doing that, I decided that I wanted to do my own club. I named it Club Kryptonite and it was an instant success. It started on a 8096 sqm parcel and within 3 months, I had purchased my first sim (Merosi Island) and moved the club there plus added a mall and other features.

I ended up closing CK in March of 2007 due to the income being significantly less than it was back when I started in clubs. I ended up turning the sim into various themed rentals. It was at that time when I met my SL wife.

Elseamae and I met through a friend who lived on Merosi Island and we instantly became attached to eachother. She has been there for me through everything including when I unfortunately had to sell my sim due to financial reasons. We ended up partnering August 23, 2007, engaged on September 1, married September 23, and we had twin babies in SL on March 1, 2008.

All of that has been wonderful, but the most wonderful part of our relationship was when my son and I moved to Minnesota RL on April 2, 2008 to be with Elsea and be a family. To this day I have found no greater happiness than with my fiance and my son together.

Elseamae and I own a sim (The Magic Soapbox) and on it is the largest lucky chair shop in SL. We started Magical Freebies and More!! in September of 2007 and it has been a great success. To this day it is still open.

In September of 2007, I accepted a position as General Manager of Alicia Stella Design in SL. The unique thing about this position is that it was a full time job that paid RL full time wages and it was all in world. I still have that position now even after a year and I love it. For more info on Alicia Stella Design, visit

Anyways I will close this now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I am going to do my second blog right away about SLCC 2008 that I went to last weekend. Have fun and be safe.
